1. The payment has to be made by your personal card,not by corporative card
2. The IP adress of the computer making payment not correspond to the banks country. (F/e You are trying to pay in China by German card)
3. The mobile number not correspond to the country of Your location.(F\e You received the mobile card in Germany and You are trying to confirm Your mobile number in China)
4. If you enter your phone number not in the international format (for example, Russian number you need to enter +7-911-111-11-11)
If there are any questions, you can always contact us by phone +38 (093) 145-77-76 or email us info@hotel-viva.com.ua
If you have some problems with receiving the sms-message, You can fillthis form and send it on info@hotel-viva.com.ua, also you can mail to the technical support centre (the folder target is situated on the payment page from the right side or click here)